Saturday, July 11, 2009

Real Madrid ; New signings, now what?

Okay, so we all know of Madrid's new signings. If you don't, you live in a cave(I don't know how you're reading this then). As usual, Madrid's huge signings are attacking players. Albiol isn't a huge signing because of the money paid for him. Don't get me wrong, he could turn out to play better than Ronaldo and Kaka, but he just doesn't fit in the Big Signings Group.

Most peple know that the best defence is the best offence. Greece are the perfect example. However, aparently, Madrid don't know that. Time and time again, they've signed huge attackign players, Zidane, Huntelaar, Robben, Van der Vart and most recently Kaka, Ronaldo and Benzema, a few to quote. Where does that leave their defence? In shambles. Marcelo, Pepe, Albiol and Ramos. That doesn't make me afraid. Ronaldo, Kaka, Benzema and Raul does, but that's not the point. The whole point is to score, and not concede. Madrid should count themselves very luck they have Casillas between the posts. Imagine if they only had Dudek. Yeap, that wouldn't go down very well.

Who to sign then, is the question. Off my head, I can think of a few great defenders. But defenders don't move around alot. Terry, although it's said in the press that he wants to move to City, it is highly unlikesly to leave Stamford Bridge. Vidic and Ferdinand, again, most probably won't move. Then there's Carragher. But he's shit, so he won't be a target. Now before you Liverpool fans start crying, admit it, he is shit. That doesn't mean he's not a smart player. He is. He keeps it simple, doesn't go bombing up the pitch and doesn't get sucked in. For only two reasons, he himself(yes, that's right)knows he is shit and is slow. Now picture this with me for a minute. Carragher flying up the field for a counter attach, he loses the ball and now has to run back. By the time he gets back, Liverpool, chances are, would have conceded. I mean, come on, he's so slow that if he went any slower, he'd be going backwords.

Maybe, for once, Madrid should sign young talented players now, instead of paying about 10 times their current price in the future. But then again, that's the Madrid way. Sakho, Santon and Fazio. Three defenders with very bright futures ahead of them. Why not sign them now? They already have a s star for the future in Marcelo. They should add on to that. And no, you cannot say their clubs won't be willing to let their future stars go, because if you can sign Ronaldo and Kaka, then you can sign anyone. Yes, anyone. It is unclear what Madrid will do with the rest of the transfer market, so Madrid fans, hope for the best. For now, we wait and watch the season unfold. You can quote me on this, if Madrid don't sign atleast another significant defender, they will win nothing of importance next season.

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