Saturday, July 11, 2009

Manchester City, Tops or Flops?

You wake up one morning, to find out the club you've supported all your life(no, not you people who jumped on the bandwagon) is now the richest in the world. By a long shot. You can't believe your eyes, whether you read it in the papers or on the net or from a friend on the phone(in that case, your ears). Your cell's ringing off the hook, fellow supporters going "I can't believe our luck, global domination here we come!" or friends who support some other team(it doesn't matter whcih, you're now the richest in the world, you don't care) going " you lucky arse, you're still shit and always will be". You don't care, because you're now rich, they're not.

Money was splashed out Robinho for a new British record. He nearly signed for Chelsea, but they weren't willing to match City's bid and City were offering more wages. Which will of course, spark the debate of whether money is spoiling football. Well, footballers are paid to entertain, and they're paid so much, because they do what they do best. People still pay to watch, whether it's going for Match day, or staying home to watch it on telly, they're paying. Prices keep going up, but they keep paying, because they love football and they want to be entertained by people who can do what they can't. Since more people are watching everyday, sponsors start shelling out more, because more people are seeing their name. The debate is endless, so we'll leave that for another day.

As of now, City are flops, without a doubt, and city fans, if you can't admit that, then you're dillusional. With the amount pumped in for Robinho, De Jonh and Bellamy, you would expect more. No, scratch that, you MUST expect more. But they aren't wetting their pants yet, they have a long way to go. Recent signing Barry isn't the man fans expected, but it's a start. Tevez, probably will end up at City, and if he does, then that will be a major boost for City. Santa Cruz, is probably a good signing, but that remains to be seen.

So for now, we wait, and see what happens to Project Global Domination.

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